About Us
Actor Justin Long pictured at a Toys of Hope event.
Founded in 1994 by Melissa Doktofsky, Toys of Hope, New York's favorite charity, supports over 65,000 needy children, their families and their pets every year. Toys of Hope operates all year round and does not have any paid employees or professional fund raisers. 100% of all donations goes towards helping families in need. Known for "More Than Toys", the charity has created many programs that provide desperately needed goods and services to assist families in becoming self-sufficient and, in turn, helping to improve their children's lives. An additional charity, American Giving Project was created to communicate this "More Than Toys" message.
The American Giving Project / Toys of Hope team is proud to have been featured in many local and national news media outlets. Articles about the charity have appeared in The New York Times, Newsday, Long Island Press, The Long Islander and other local newspapers. Segments featuring American Giving Project / Toys of Hope have been shown on television, including CBS News, NBC, News One, Eyewitness News, and Fox, as well as on the radio, including 1010 WINS, 880 AM, Radio Disney, WBLI and WBAB. Toys of Hope has been recognized for its outstanding work by state and local governments , boards of education and the Governor of New York State. Melissa Doktofsky was also the recipient of the prestigious Martin Luther King “Living the Dream” Award. And American Giving Project / Toys of Hope has even been honored by the mayors of Philadelphia and New Orleans for its work in providing support to assist the efforts surrounding Hurricane Sandy.
American Giving Project / Toys Of Hope does not have any paid employees or professional fund raisers. It does not pay for an office. Storage space for the toys it collects has been graciously provided by a local building management company. One hundred percent of all money donated goes towards helping children and needy families.
Helping the Needy Year Round
American Giving Project / Toys of Hope operates all year round and is involved in many programs across Long Island New York in addition to distributing toys. Of course, at Christmas time we are busy delivering thousands of toys to needy children, but we don't stop there. American Giving Project / Toys of Hope supplies toys, as well as clothing, books, school supplies and other necessities to underprivileged children and their families all year long. American Giving Project / Toys of Hope also sponsors kids to attend summer camp. Getting Kids Involved Toys of Hope believes that teaching kids to help others is one of its most important functions Every year, girl scouts, boy scouts, cub scouts, and students from elementary school through college, pitch in to help collect and distribute toys, or to help out at our charity events. By doing so, they are made aware of the plight of the needy and learn the joys of giving and the value of community service.
American Giving Project / Toys of Hope are not for profit corporations registered with the State of New York and the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) organization. Contributions are tax deductible.